24 February 2004

Here i am
sitting in silence
try to take some lessons
from all the things that happened in the past
hope tomorrow would be better...
not hope.
But, i'll fight for a better future
by holding on to my dreams
and keeping the faith inside of me
i know i can make it happen
look at me now
standing up with smiling face
ready to run
to that place...

I'm 23 today =)
ga kerasa bgt yaa how time passes by,
am i growing that fast or the time pass by too soon? ;p hihihihi..
mmh, kalo mo review setahun kemarin, mungkin gua ga bisa nilai diri sendiri (ntar subjektif lagi..), yaa mungkin gua ga begitu banyak berubah.. but, at least i've tried...
tapi yg pasti, gua bersyukur banget ama Tuhan atas apa yg gua alamin sepanjang taun lalu...
suka, duka, naik, turun.. gua yakin setiap masalah yg gua alamin kemarin terjadi untuk mengajar gua sendiri.. yap, i'll look from the postive ways.. coz i believe that every problems make us stronger and more mature =)
Thank God for the blessing and guidance through this year..

kalo boleh jujur, gua bersyukur bgt taun lalu gua boleh mengenal yg namanya berbisnis, ya walau ga seberapa, yg penting gua ngerasa banyak mendapat byk ilmu dan sedikit banyak membentuk kepribadian gua menjadi lebih baik lagi.. lumayan sih kalo dipikir" biar ga ngerepotin ortu lagi, tapi yg jelas, ga nolak juga kalo masih dikasih uang bulanan :D hahahahahaha..

talking bout my plans in the following years,
gua kpengen bgt lulus kuliah bln sepetember taun ini.. abis gimana yaa, selain dah boseeeeen bgt kul, tapi kayanya masih ada beban dan apa ya.. kaya masih ada utang gitu ke ortu.. mum, dad, i promise to you that i'll graduate this year, ok? =)
abis lulus, pengen ngembangin usaha, pengen kerja juga buat pengalaman, pengen buka usaha juga, pengen kuliah juga sih, tapi taun depan kali yaa.. pengennya di jerman sih biar pas piala dunia 2006 gua bisa jadi saksi sejarah juga hahahahahaha..
lead my way dear God.. i know You be with me...

last, i wanna thank you to my mum, dad, and my bro..
i can't be like who i am now without all of your loves and supports..
i love you, guys.. being in this family is the best gift i ever had =)
God bless you all..