26 March 2008


Until yesterday i was thinking to fly to Manado.
I really wanted to but i can't. Because of work and budget (top 2 reasons).
This morning, he leaved for Ternate, but should change plane at Manado but he couldn't made it because of the aircraft delayness.

So, now he's staying one night there. Well, this is good for him because he never visit this city and the fact that his dad also stay there.
And guess what, now he's in Treman (my village, red) and i'm still working in the office. Shoot, i wish i were there, too...

source: g8.no

What a plan. Really true, we never know what would happen with our plan.
There is a tremendous power out of our control.

You, have fun there!


Bijuk said...

udah terhibur kan gw kasi beng2?hahahahhahahahhaha.............manado + pacar ga mungkin bgt ya seimbang ama beng2 :D

Junior Planner said...

Tenang bul, gitu doang sedih... Daripada lo ngabisin duit ke manado kan mendingan gw aja yg kesana. Lagian mendingan tu duit dipake buat hal laen yg lebih berguna, misalnya bayar laptop, hihihihi... *bcanda say, ampuuuun...*