19 March 2008


I adore him.
I love him.
I salute him.
I proud of him.
I gratitude him.

As i'm writing this, some memories pop-up in my mind..
- teriakannya yang keras waktu gw tanding renang dulu
- setia menjaga kalo gw ga bisa tidur malam dengan nyenyak
- ngasih gw hadiah jalan2 untuk experiencing dunia luar sana satu dekade yang lalu
- and many more...

Tapi ada satu yang gw selalu inget, saat masa kelam itu (halaah), gw pikir dia bakal marah bgt ke gw, tapi pas dia mo balik ke Jogja, dia hanya ngasih gw selembar kertas dengan tulisan membangun (pernah gw posting - bahkan tulisan itu gw pajang di halaman depan skripsi gw :), isinya sih yang penting improvement gitu deh), simple but true it was make me realized i should not be stubborn anymore..

He is my dad.
He is turning 62 years old today.
He is my inspiration.
He is one of the reason i want to work hard just want to make him proud of me.

Happy birthday, dear Dad.. God bless You.. I love You..


Ratie said...

Oowwwhhh.. So sweet,crey! Happy bday to your dad yah! Eh, belon pulang lo? ;P

Junior Planner said...

Oooooowhhh, to tweeeeeeettt...!! *berlinang aer mata*