03 January 2012

Happy 2012

As i got knocked down in the closure of 2011 due to my typhoid illness, 2012 surely a time to get up again and to listen to my body more :p

Dear God, please take my hand and lead me like usual,
You are so kindhearted and great to me all the time...
Thank You :)

Hopefully we will have a blessed and wonderful moments through the year...:)


Astrid said...

Happy new year Crey! Wah, malah nggak tau kalo lo sempet sakit...ayo kita atur2 playdate =)

Allisa Yustica Krones said...

Happy new year, Crey! Hehe..biar so lewat sekian bulan :D

Wew...sempat sakit to? Semoga ke depan gak sakit2 lagi ya say dan semakin diberkati Tuhan dalam semua hal yaa...

Btw, ngana ada keluarga Tuwaidan le say?

Crey said...

Happy new year too, Astrid & Allisa!! :*

@Allisa: iyaa, ada :) dari Treman...
Ngana dang? :))