25 January 2011

Good luck

It's happening again.
Many people are resigning from the office in the past 6 months and the saddest thing is most of them are from my department, ok from my team :'(
Goodluck Digo and Dyah in your new places. Better days ahead, ok?

Banyak project kerja bareng mereka berdua, mungkin kalo dihitung by project banyakan kerja bareng digo kali ya...
Yang paling berkesan kerja bareng Digo aka Sri ini pernah dimarahin bareng sama emak bos di project kondom :p sebenernya gw pegang project lebih ke korbannya dan dia megang lebih ke usernya tp ya karna kliennya sama jadinya diomelin bareng deh pas lunch time dan didenger semua orang hiksss :( padahal sebenernya itu cuman miskom aja sih tp ya sudahlah... Belum lagi project kita ngurusin pembeli misteri di salah satu pomben ya, srii huhuhu, damn kok gw jadi sedih yaaa....
What i learnt from this guy, he is really family man, tough and wise guy! and of course have a very good personality and dedication (kuncen kantor nih hihihi :p)

Dan buat Dyah, yang paling berkesan project maskapai penerbangan yang berbarengan dengan project buat NGO anti corruption ya dy aka iyem hihihi, maap ya gw jadi ikut2an ok sering ngebully lo juga, kan for the sake of joking biar ga stress kite :p
Project yang kita kerjain bareng ama Andre ini full of fun dan stress juga hihihi...
Gw ketahuan hamil gara2 abis present hasil proposal yg mana gw gantiin makbos yang berhalangan ikut meeting dan abis luch di benhil ama mbak Flor dan jreng jreng mata gw kunang2 pas nyebrang jalan (mmh, pernah posting soal ini tapi males nyari linknya :p).... Asli deh seru abis...

I feel really sad but the show or work or project must go on...
I still haven't find what I'm looking for since last year and I am a person who really believe in time. When it is the right time, it will come in just right in time...
Mmhhh, once again, good luck mates!!! Gtalk on terus yaaa :D